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In Conversation with Mindy McGregor

1. When planning a photo shoot do you have any favorite gear that is a must when photographing the Saskatchewan Landscape?

Some of my favorite non-photographic equipment I tend to keep nearby would be my grey card, lens cleaner, and in winter a warm pair of gloves.

2. Saskatchewan seems like a great landscape photographers environment to work with. What challenges does it produce?

I sometimes will seek out the imagery I capture. For example occasionally I will go for a drive out into the countryside looking for abandoned barns and houses. I tend to go on days that are cloudy with dramatic skies. There are instances though where I just happen to have my camera on hand and see something that I would love to photograph. So there is a sense of spontaneity in photographing at times.

My environment holds a big influence in my photography for many reasons, such as the climate, the barren and flat landscape, and the quietness around me. I find that these things seem to be reflected through the moody and somber feel in my images

A source of inspiration in my photography I continuously go back to is the environment around me. I like to shoot abandoned barns, large dramatic skies and I try to show the viewer the beauty within my surroundings. With that being said I am always looking for new ideas and inspirations.

I have had a couple of encounters while out shooting that were strange and definitely made me jump. Shooting at abandoned farms one could never no what is lurking in the area. I have had deer run out of houses, birds swooping down at me, along with finding strange artifacts scattered across the ground. Photographing always keeps me on the edge of my seat!

3. Is there any advice you would give if you met your younger self starting out as a Photographer.?

If I could give my younger self any advice in regards to photography it would be not to sell myself short. Never underestimate your abilities in photography, people will take advantage of that. Believe in your art!

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